News & Events
- Frontline Demonstrations
- On Farm Trials
- Vaccination Camp for Cattle against Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD)
- Celebration of International Women Day's 2019 by the KVK Jaintia Hills
- World Soil Health Day 2015.
- News Letter for the year 2013 - Vol. 4
- News letter for the year 2017 - Vol.7
- Major Problems Identified & Priority Thrust Areas
- Agro Climatic Zones
- Major Ecological Situations
- Major Farming Systems / Enterprises
- Training Programmes
- Other Extension Activities
- Literatures developed & Published
- West Jaintia Hills District Profile
- Resource Inventory of the District
- "Ka Dawai Bordeaux Mixture bad ka jingpyndonkam ia ka."
- Katto katne shaphang ki Dawai Bio pesticides Bad ka rukom pyndonkam ia ki.
- "Ka jingpang pyut ha u Sying bad ki lad ban iada ia ka."
- Ka Kalendar ia kiba Ri Dohkha.
- Ki Lad Jingiada na ki khniang bad ki jingpang ha u Kba.
- Ki Biofertilizers.
- Ka Rukom sara jhur.
- Ki Jingkylli ba iadei bad ka rep Tit Oyster.
- Ki Ain Iada Jingthung.
- Ki Symbai Tynrai.
- U Niang Byrnai.
Latest Activities
- Celebration of Mahila Kisan Divas by the KVK Jaintia Hills
- Training for the month of February 2018.
- Training for the month of January 2018.
- On farm Trials
- Front Line Demonstration
- Training Achievements.
Related Links
- Meghalaya Agriculture Portal
- ICAR Zone III Portal
- Indian Council of Agriculture Research
- Meghalaya Agricultural Portal
- Meghalaya Marketing Portal
- Meghalaya Portal
- KVK Ribhoi
- KVK West Khasi Hills
- KVK West Garo Hills
- India Portal
Last Updated on 26-06-2020
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